Young and Worried about Testosterone?


Testosterone, the most important male hormone, plays a vital role in the male reproductive system. Produced by the testes and to a lesser extent by the adrenal glands, it’s associated with the growth of sex organs and development of secondary sexual characteristics. Typically, with age, testosterone levels in men begin a gradual decline, mostly after age 30. This is characterized by loss in muscle strength, increase in abdominal fat, loss of sex drive, and an overwhelming feeling of sluggishness. Some men may experience a reduction in testosterone levels at a young age. For such men, there are several safe, natural, and proven methods to enhance the falling levels and get them back on track.

Natural Methods to Increase Testosterone Levels 

  • Watch what you eat. Make sure you eat protein-rich foods. Protein helps build muscles. Zinc is another important mineral your body needs for maintaining healthy testosterone levels. Cruciferous veggies like cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and broccoli also augment testosterone levels.
  • Healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, found in avocados, salmon, and nuts naturally raise T levels. Then there is vitamin D. Eat cereals and dairy products fortified with this important vitamin because if you’re low on it, you’re low on your T levels too.
  • Ageless Male is a dietary supplement containing fenugreek seed extract and essential vitamins, which stimulate the body’s testosterone production.
  • Regular workout is a must if you want to see your T levels go up. The best way is to lift weights and do compound exercises like squats, bench presses, rows, and dead lifts. If that’s not possible, swim, run, jog, bike, but keep up with an active lifestyle. Exercise helps to burn the fat and tone your muscles. Lack of exercise can cause testosterone to plummet.
  • Get a good night’s sleep, at least 7-8 hours. It’s as important as eating right or exercising. It’s important for your body to get enough rest to produce adequate and healthy levels of testosterone.
  • Stay away from stressful situations. Stress and anxiety aren’t good for your system, and will adversely affect the production of testosterone.

If you notice, most of the methods outlined above are nothing out of the ordinary, but simple lifestyle modifications which will not only strengthen your immune system and help the body stave off cardiovascular diseases and help you lose weight, but also help you get your testosterone levels back within a healthy range. If you wish to take supplements, it’s a good idea to read through their reviews. For instance, when you read Ageless Male reviews, you’ll understand how hundreds of men, both young and old, are using this product with positive results and no side effects. So to keep the debilitating symptoms of low testosterone away, follow and smart, healthy, and active way of life, no matter what age you are!

Fighting Low Testosterone


It is estimated that about 33% of men over 45 suffer from low levels of testosterone. Most of them do not even know it. Most men think the symptoms are all just part of growing old. Low testosterone will win the battle if more men are not made aware that they need to fight low testosterone.

Your body carries testosterone in two forms—free and bound. Free testosterone is the active form and bound is attached to other molecules in your blood. You need to increase free testosterone by either producing more testosterone or unbinding bound testosterone. But how?

How can you fight low testosterone? Here are the weapons you have against low testosterone.

Food: The foods you eat really affect your body’s ability to produce more testosterone. Your body converts cholesterol into testosterone so eating an adequate amount of cholesterol is necessary unless your cardiologist had advised otherwise. You can still supplement your diet with high-protein and low-fat foods. Vegetables like broccoli can do wonders to bolster your testosterone levels too.

Exercise: Regular exercise for at least 20 minutes is recommended for overall health so it wouldn’t be a surprise if you found out that it’s great for testosterone production as well. Strength training exercises are especially beneficial but cardio-vascular exercises that get your blood flowing are great too. Swimming is a great option if you know how to swim. It’s easy on your joints but gives a full body workout.

Supplements: If eating right is difficult, you can stick to a balanced diet and take a supplement that promotes healthy testosterone levels. Countless men have given testimonials about Ageless Male which is a natural testosterone booster. It contains Testofen, an extract from the fenugreek herb. Since it is natural, side-effects are minimal if any at all. There are a million other testosterone boosters in the market but Ageless Male has a strong reputation and is backed by good research. Other supplements are too intense and usually meant for body-builders while Ageless Male was created for overall well-being for every man.

Professional Care: If your levels of testosterone are astonishingly low, you might need more than dietary change. Doctors often recommend using Testosterone gels or Testosterone patches. The gels can be dangerous if the person using them is not careful to not touch any other person with a surface that has the gel on it. This makes playing with small children difficult and who would want to give that up? Patches are much more efficient. In severe cases doctors also recommend hormone replacement therapy in which the patient is injected with testosterone at regular periods of time.

With these 4 weapons ready and in action, no one should lose the battle against low testosterone. By eating carefully, exercising, taking supplements and maybe even getting professional care you will feel a marked difference in your energy levels (even if you don’t feel 16 again). It’s worth the fight and anyone can win and live a full and productive life. Stay focused!

Got Low Testosterone Blues


Multiple studies have shown that men with low testosterone are likely to be depressed as well. In this article we will try to give an overview and summary of the relationship between testosterone and depression, or at least as much as we know of it. Sometimes men with low testosterone experience moodiness and not clinical depression. There is still much to be studied and while many things are still a mystery research will reveal more in time.

What are the possible reasons for low testosterone to affect depression?

1.   The symptoms of low testosterone can trigger depression.

The symptoms of low testosterone are fatigue, erectile dysfunction, and lack of sexual desire, irritability, and loss of muscle mass, weight gain and sluggishness. If you feel like this you might have low testosterone and people who see these symptoms in themselves overtime might be prone to be depressed because they feel stuck, unable to change.

2.   Low testosterone might directly affect the brain.

Testosterone is a hormone that affects many different parts of the body. It might even be linked to the production of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is what keeps our spirits up even when the world might be falling apart. Therefore, low testosterone might mean lower levels of serotonin which would make the individual more likely to be depressed.

Would treating depressed men with low testosterone help them recover?

 To some extent.

In a study that was reported by the American Journal of Psychiatry, men who were unresponsive to anti-depressants, with testosterone levels ranging from low to normal were separated into two groups. One group was given testosterone gel along with their anti-depressants while the other was given a placebo with the anti-depressants. Astonishingly, a third of the men who had taken the testosterone showed great improvement in their symptoms of depression. This shows that for some men, low testosterone is playing a big part in their depression and taking testosterone boosters, gels or patches would help significantly.

2.   Doctor’s awareness.

Testosterone was used to treat depressed men 50 years ago and since then anti-depressants have been popularized. However, it has been found that some that do not respond to anti-depressants show marked improvement when given testosterone supplements. Doctors often fail to ask patients who come to them presenting depression to take a blood test for testosterone. Especially men over 45 should monitor their testosterone levels from time to time. Doctor’s need to be more aware of this link between low testosterone and depression because giving the body testosterone is easy and can provide relatively quick relief.

If you have low testosterone then taking supplements like Ageless Male is highly recommended (you can ask your own doctor) since it contain natural testosterone boosters that have negligible side-effects, if any at all. According to Ageless Male reviews, it contains an extract from a fenugreek herb that has been clinically shown to boost free testosterone in healthy men. We hope that this article sheds some light on how testosterone and depression interact and helps you stay happy!

Causes of Low Testosterone


Testosterone, as we all know, is the hormone that’s responsible for building muscles, strengthening bones, and most importantly, for the development of secondary male characteristics. But with growing age, many men notice a dip in their testosterone levels. Most people blame reduced levels on increasing age. While this is largely true, there are other important factors often overlooked by men which can cause low testosterone levels. Let’s take a look at what they are.

Causes of Low Testosterone 

  • Aging: Reported by many as the number one cause, testosterone production gradually reduces as men enter their late 30s. Glands do not function optimally once males reach 40s and 50s, and this is seen as an important factor in the dip in testosterone levels.
  • Heredity: Genetics also often play an important role in reduced testosterone. Kallmann’s syndrome is one such genetic condition, which results in hypogonadism, and eventually low testosterone levels. Another example is the Prader-Willi syndrome, a congenital defect in which sex glands do not produce hormones.
  • Certain diseases like mumps, tuberculosis, meningitis, liver and kidney disease, and AIDS may result in some damage to the testicles, which can have a direct impact on the production of testosterone.
  • Medical conditions like diabetes, coronary artery disease, obesity, and hypertension can all be causes for low testosterone levels.
  • Injury to the testicles may result in permanent damage to these organs which may adversely affect the production of testosterone.
  • Testicular cancer can also produce lower-than-normal testosterone levels. Sometimes, treatment for testicular cancer can also lower the level of testosterone in males.
  • In some cases, long-term exposure to toxic or man-made chemicals can hamper the functioning of the endocrine system, thereby resulting in low testosterone.

If you’ve been experiencing a decrease in testosterone levels, you can talk to your doctor who can guide you on the best way to increase the levels. Apart from making dietary changes, you can even start taking supplements which are specifically used to boost falling testosterone levels.

Ageless Male supplement is one such supplement which is known to have a positive effect by increasing testosterone levels. It can be taken by all men, regardless of their age. Apart from increasing testosterone levels, Ageless Male supplement reviews indicate that the product also helps in enhancing sexual libido and energy. So if you feel you’re showing signs of low testosterone, do not wait to consult your doctor and get yourself examined, as low testosterone is directly associated with poor libido, weak bones, and a reduced sense of well-being.

Could You Have Low Testosterone?


You might not be aware of the fact that low testosterone is a fairly common problem. It is not talked about as much because of the embarrassment most men feel. But could you have low testosterone? The symptoms differ based on age and other factors.

Teenagers: Teenagers who have low testosterone would find that their voices might not crack like their peers and they might not grow facial hair to the same extent either. This can lead to a lot of bullying at school which usually affects personality development at this crucial stage. Libido will probably remain low as well. Having low testosterone at such a young age is probably an indicator of a more serious condition unless it is hereditary.

Adults: Testosterone levels do gradually decrease as a man ages. There are many other factors that could make a person more likely to have low testosterone levels. Diabetics and obese people are likely to have low testosterone. What are the primary symptoms of low testosterone in adults?  Could you have it?

  • Fatigue: Low testosterone makes men feel tired all the time that is not normal for other people their age. It is a constant lack of energy that is a very common symptom of many other health problems and is not too useful in pinpointing whether you actually have low testosterone.
  • Impotence: Many men with low testosterone find it difficult to have sexual intercourse because of erectile dysfunction.
  • Loss of libido: Impotence is closely related to the decreased libido that men with low testosterone often feel. This makes the man too embarrassed to talk about it but really a problem that is not acknowledged cannot be fixed.
  • Depression: According to research, men with low testosterone levels almost always experience depression, especially if the levels are really low.
  • Loss of muscle mass: Low testosterone makes it difficult to build muscle mass and over time that might cause fat to accumulate.
  • Anger: Instead of depression, some men experience flashes of anger as a symptom of low testosterone.
  • Osteoporosis: An individual who has lived with low testosterone will over time lose bone density resulting in porous bones—also called osteoporosis. This makes life very difficult and the bones become brittle.

If you’re experiencing some of these symptoms, you could have low testosterone. It is a good time to visit your doctor and ask for a blood test for low testosterone. Living with low testosterone can increase the chances of other health conditions so do not shy away from seeing a doctor immediately.

Ask about testosterone boosters like Ageless Male supplement that is made from the extract of fenugreek herb and has no side-effects. Read up on Ageless Male supplement reviews to know that you’re not alone. Supplements only help boost the body’s natural functions, if your low testosterone is a symptom of a bigger health problem, then you must seek expert advice. Sit with your doctor and talk about how you can work together to live a full and happy life.